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Forum Posts

Oct 30, 2023
In Relationships/Dating
Okay, first of all I would like to state that my name is K and I am 15 years old. Over the summer I met this guy, we will call him Tucker (17), and we ended up getting together. I really liked him but we were just drifting apart. So one day i broke up with him because i was afraid that he was going to break up with me first (i know stupid, am i right?) And I told him that we could still be friends and everything. When he replied she said that's fine and then he never talked to me again. That was a month ago. Here recently I have really regretted breaking up with him because I miss him a lot. I have this friend named chasity who is 14 years old. She is a really good friend to me (or atleast WAS a good friend) but it turns out that she snuck Tucker in her house and they made out and cuddled and shit. It's not the fact that it happened that makes me mad, it's the fact that she tried to hide it from me. When I found out, I asked her about it. She laughed in my face and then LIED TO ME, and said that it wasn't true. But I know for a fact that it did happen because there is a video that I saw that she sent out when she was bragging about it. The video consisted of them two laid up in the bed together, making out. And now she still wants to be my friend. She came up to me this morning and was talking to me, but when Tucker looked over she ran out and went to the bathroom. well she didn't actually run but you get the point. And as she walked out of the room Tucker watched her the whole way and smiled. He is a senior in high school and she is a freshman!!! This seems so wrong to me. Another part of it that makes me mad is that she was there for me during our break-up. and she was all like " yeah i know him he's my neighbor, you deserve better girl. he is SOOO ugly" so since they are neighbors, it made it easier for them.even though i miss him, i still want to move on. There is this other guy that i like And i want to focus on him but it is hard during all of this Tucker drama. His name is Hayden in my geometry class. He is so helpful to me with my math,social issues, or even just staying focused.I really like him…..there is just one issue: one of my really close friends like him😭 I talked to him about her (just casually) and he was all like “yeah i know her, he has a big crush on me.” and i was like “oh really? Shes really pretty. Why dont you ask her out?” and he said “ i dont want to date a freshman” so i asked him ”why not? Do you just like older women?” and he said “ No. why not just date a sophomore?” At that point I WAS DYING. BECAUSE I AM A SOPHOMORE. Do you think that comment was targeted at me? Anyways when i talked to my friend later, she was upset that he didnt like her but she wasnt mad at me. She wants me to be with him, if he likes me, but she also likes him still. I really like him but i am afraid that i will hurt her feelings. Am i a bad person? Am I like chastity? Please comment your thoughts.


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